Arduino Uno and Arduino Project Ideas
Real time clock (RTC) DS3231 with Arduino Uno
To control the system with the time and date, Real Time Clock (RTC) module (DS3231) is best to use. The time and date can store and it works for a long time as it contains the cell.
In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to interface the real-time module (DS3231) with Arduino Uno and display real-time & date on the serial monitor. In this work, Arduino code, wiring diagram and component list presents for experimentation.
40+ Ideas For Your Next Home Automation Project with Arduino Cloud | Arduino Blog
Home automation has increasingly become a need in our lives. Without even noticing it we have been adding connected elements to our homes and buildings to make our lives easier and nowadays we are surrounded by electronic devices that monitor our environment, control our lighting systems and appliances, and even give us peace of mind by home security systems. Our expectations go even further as we interact with devices remotely using our mobile handsets or locally with voice activated smart speakers.
Although the commercial ecosystem of products that we can find is huge, it is also a fact that most of the solutions are still very expensive to solve simple problems. Furthermore, there are still many uncovered solutions that could be easily developed integrating existing elements. And that’s a point where Makers find a bit of frustration, and your frustration becomes an opportunity to dream up creative and ingenious solutions in the quest to make our lives easier. Many of you have told us through a survey that you would commence a Home Automation project as the very first move into the IoT world. That’s the reason why we decided to build a catalogue with a bunch of ideas that can easily and effectively make a difference to your environment.