today's leftovers
LFPH Tackles the Next Frontier in Open Source Health Technology: The Rise of Digital Twins [Ed: What does this have to do with Linux? Nothing. Microsoft-outsourced (GitHub/proprietary software) openwashing services and PR assignments.]
When hackers take on AI: Sci-fi – or the future? [Ed: OSI is now reduced to "HEY HI" (AI) hype and helping Microsoft violate the GPL, as well as cause others to violate the GPL, under the guise of "HEY HI". OSI funds GPL violations.]
Support.Mozilla.Org: What’s up with SUMO – August 2022
Summer is not a thing in my home country, Indonesia. But I learn that taking some time off after having done a lot of work in the first half of the year is useful for my well-being. So I hope you had a chance to take a break this summer.
We passed half of Q3 already at this point, so let’s see what SUMO has been doing and up to with renewed excitement after this holiday season.