Release of Dr.Parted 24.11
This release is based on the Debian testing repository (2024/November/01).
Linux kernel 6.11.4-1
Applications: GParted, Apart GTK, PCManFM, Xfce Terminal, Netsurf, Mousepad, GSmart Control, Grsync, Catfish, USBImager, Xarchiver, Lxtask
CLI tools: testdisk, partimage, clonezilla, ddrescue, nwipe, fsarchiver, hdparm, safecopy, cryptsetup, scalpel, HD Sentinel, wget, curl, chntpw, shred, memtester, partclone, growpart, ext4magic, rclone
1-Click install: Boot-Repair, Hard Info, Firefox, Chromium, Synaptic, FileZilla, Rclone-browser, Rescuezilla, QPhotorec, Qt-fsarchiver, Mega-sync, Dropbox