Debian Hiding Issues and Suppressing Volunteers' Dissent
Debian Suicide FYI: Lucas Nussbaum & Debian attempted exploit of OVH Hosting insider
When Debian cabalists wanted to steal the domain in 2014, they didn't go to a lawyer or the World Intellectual Property Organization.
The Debian Project Leader (DPL), Lucas Nussbaum, who is a professor at Université de Lorraine, France, relied on another Debian Developer to tap the shoulder of an insider at OVH, which is also a French company, to see if the domain registration could be hijacked covertly.
According to the email below, OVH managers didn't want to get involved in Debian dirty politics.
Ownership of domain [Ed: This statement was issued on a Sunday; they've solved none of the underlying issues, they're just gagging those who speak about Debian issues]
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), under its Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UDRP), decided that ownership of the domain should be transferred to the Debian Project.
The appointed panel found that the disputed domain name is identical to a trademark in which the Complainant has rights.