Red Hat, Ubuntu, and More
Distributions and Operating Systems
Fedora / Red Hat / IBM
Red Hat Official ☛ New and updated offerings for Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform Self-Managed on Microsoft Azure [Ed: IBM Red Hat is boosting Microsoft proprietary software, the authors of this are both marketing people]
Red Hat Official ☛ In-service upgrades for telco 5G cloud-native core CaaS infrastructure with no service disruption
In this blog, we’ll explore a typical 5G core deployment architecture, the ramifications of upgrading CaaS infrastructure, and best practices for telco operators working within demanding operational constraints.
Red Hat Official ☛ High-performance storage for OpenShift Virtualization: A review of Lightbits Labs
Canonical/Ubuntu Family
Ubuntu ☛ What is Application Security (AppSec)?
Test, test, and test again. And then test your tests.
Free, Libre, and Open Source Software
Web Browsers/Web Servers
Bryan Lunduke ☛ Mozilla Launches Hypocritical, Political War Against Online Data Gathering