today's howtos
Tyler Sticka ☛ Cowardly Defaults and Courageous Overrides with Modern CSS
We don’t use utility classes as often as we used to, but they still come in handy on occasion.
One challenge when styling utilities is to provide more value than an inline style without sacrificing versatility.
Sven Hoexter: k8s deployment build-in preStop sleep
Seems in the k8s world there are sufficient enough race conditions in shutting down pods and removing those from endpoint slices in time.
How to Create or delete Users in GNU/Linux – With examples
When I started working on GNU/Linux operating systems in 2015, I got a job setting up user accounts for a tech startup’s entire development team in India. Creating users appeared quite simple unless you had to configure the permissions and set security according to the specific needs of different team members.
Cloud Four Inc ☛ Tips for Portable Patterns – Cloud Four
In terms of portability, CSS components are often held back by being overly dependent on other components or utilities. Ideally, any one CSS component should be able to serve its basic purpose even if the rest of your project’s CSS was removed.
ID Root ☛ How To Install RQuickShare on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
In today’s digital age, seamless file sharing between devices is crucial for productivity and convenience. RQuickShare emerges as a valuable tool, providing a Rust implementation of the popular Nearby Share/Quick Share feature found on smartphones. This open-source application facilitates easy file transfers between your desktop and mobile devices, enhancing your workflow on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS.
ID Root ☛ How To Install NVM on Debian 12
Node Version Manager (NVM) has become an essential tool for developers working with Node.js, especially those who need to switch between different Node.js versions for various projects. On Debian 12, installing and configuring NVM properly ensures a smooth development experience without the hassle of manually installing multiple Node.js versions.
ID Root ☛ How To Install Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware on Fedora 41
In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware on Fedora 41. Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware is a powerful, open-source content management system that combines wiki functionality with robust collaboration tools.
ID Root ☛ How To Install RQuickShare on Rocky GNU/Linux 9
RQuickShare offers a seamless way to transfer files between your Rocky GNU/Linux 9 system and Android devices. This open-source file sharing solution implements the functionality similar to Android’s NearbyShare and Samsung’s QuickShare, allowing wireless transfers without the need for additional apps on your phone.
ID Root ☛ How To Install Bottles on CentOS Stream 10
Bottles is a powerful and user-friendly application designed to run backdoored Windows software on GNU/Linux operating systems. If you are using CentOS Stream 10, Bottles offers a seamless way to manage and execute backdoored Windows applications without the complexities often associated with Wine.