Linux/Open Devices/Embedded: Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Android, and More
Open Hardware/Modding
Arduino ☛ A DIY sous vide cooker for making the perfect steak
In this case, an Arduino Nano oversees that process. An LCD screen and pair of potentiometers let the user set the temperature and cook time. All of those components go in a basic enclosure for protection. The Arduino then toggles AC power to an immersion heater via a relay and monitors the water with a DS18B20 temperature sensor.
Deseret Media ☛ High school students putting STEM skills to the test at robotics competition
Hundreds of students from Utah and surrounding states are putting their STEM skills to the test this weekend at the Utah Regional FIRST Robotics Competition.
PC World ☛ I built a maxed-out Raspberry Pi 5 PC with an SSD for under $200. You can, too!
The Raspberry Pi 5 is several times faster than previous models of the compact and cheap computer. For less than a couple hundred bucks, you can have a computer that can do many tasks that previously required a regular PC, that consumes very little power, and for which the web is overflowing with exciting tutorials and projects you can take on.
In this guide, I’ll first walk you through how to build a Raspberry Pi 5 with maximum performance so you can use it for everything it’s capable of. To do that, you’ll need to take advantage of the board’s new ability to connect an SSD via PCI Express.
[Old] George Phillips ☛ trs80gp - A TRS-80 Model 1,2,3,4,12,16,6000,Tandy 10,MC-10,Color Computer,DT-1,Videotex Emulator
trs80gp primarily emulates the "gray" line of TRS-80 computers made by Tandy in the late 1970s and early 1980s. They are known as the Model I, Model II, Model III, Model 4, Model 4P, Model 4D, Model 12, Model 16 and Model 6000. It is generally easier to use ordinary digits for the Model 1, Model 2 and Model 3. The Model 1, 3 and 4 are a line of compatible computers as is the Model 2, 12, 16 and 6000.
Also emulated are the Tandy 10, TRS-80 Micro Color Computer Model MC-10, TRS-80 Color Computer, TRS-80 DT-1 Data Terminal, TRS-80 Videotex and Electric Crayon external colour display.
Mobile Systems/Mobile Applications
Joel Chrono ☛ When Google was cool(ish)
Google used to be kinda neat sometimes, especially on Android, nowadays, I don't care anymore