Web Browsers: Curl, Brave, and Firefox
Daniel Stenberg ☛ 19000 curl commits
Looking at the graph below that is showing my curl commits and everyone else’s over time, it seems to imply that while I have kept my pace pretty consistently over the last few years, others in the curl project have stepped up their game and commit more.
The Register UK ☛ Brave wants court to endorse scraping of News Corp content
As well as its eponymous browser, Brave provides a web search engine that indexes sites and offers AI-generated synopses of pages, which involves scraping and analyzing people's content. That harvesting of information, without a royalty payment in sight, has irritated News Corp to the point where the multinational has sent a cease-and-desist letter to the browser developer demanding an end to this web-crawling practice and compensation for the use of copyrighted work.
Spidermonkey Development Blog: SpiderMonkey Newsletter (Firefox 135-137)
Hello everyone,
Matthew here from the SpiderMonkey team. As the weather whipsaws from cold to hot to cold, I have elected to spend some time whipping together a too brief newsletter, which will almost certainly not capture the best of what we’ve done these last few months. Nevertheless, onwards!