GNU/Linux Leftovers
Hackaday ☛ Hackaday Podcast Episode 312: Heart Attacks, The Speed Of Light, And Self-balancing
Elliot does the podcast on the road to Supercon Europe, and Al is in the mood for math and nostalgia this week. Listen in and find out what they were reading on Hackaday this week.
Kernel Space
Rob Norris ☛ fsync() after open() is an elaborate no-op
I have spent the last couple of years of my life trying to make sense of fsync() and bringing OpenZFS up to code. I’ve read a lot of horror stories about this apparently-simple syscall in that time, usually written by people who tried very hard to get it right but ended up losing data in different ways. I hesitate to say I enjoy reading these things, because they usually start with some catastrophic data loss situation and that’s just miserably unfair. At least, I think they’re important reads, and I’m always glad to see another story of fsync() done right, or done wrong.
[Old] Peter Nelson ☛ 'Hello World' in ARM64 Assembly
Beyond defining the main function entry point and our ‘Hello, World!’ message, the bulk of this program just invokes a couple of syscalls1 that do all the real work: write to write data to a file descriptor, and exit to request the OS terminate the program.
HowTo Forge ☛ How to Install and Use Nessus Vulnerability Scanner on Ubuntu 24.04
Nessus is a network scanning tool and vulnerability scanner developed by Tenable. It is used for vulnerability assessments, penetration testing, and ethical hacking. In this guide, you'll learn how to install Nessus on Ubuntu 24.04 server.
Godot Engine ☛ Release candidate: Godot 4.4.1 RC 1
Godot 4.4 was released 10 days ago, and as is customary with such major feature updates, we have a late harvest of regression fixes to offer!