Another laptop, another SSD revival, plus a dash of Linux
Quoting: Another laptop, another SSD revival, plus a dash of Linux —
I am pleased with my SSD upgrade on the Lenovo G50, I am pleased with the choice of the operating system. I was able to preserve my data, everything works, and I gained a solid boost in speed and responsiveness. All in all, a rather successful endeavor. Never forget, this is a 2015 laptop, with an ancient i3 processor, but it handles 1080p smoothly, and unless you play games, you can do every single modern 2025 task fine. Don't let the greedy vampires tell you how you must refresh your gear or any similar nonsense. You can, if you want to, but there's absolutely no pressing need, in most cases. An SSD that costs 50-70 dollars will do the trick. Oh, how much do I detest this modern world of corporate hustling and nonstop bs.
My potato lives and should serve me well for quite a while longer. It's even got a DVD tray should I truly feel decadent. In terms of usefulness and cost value, it's approaching the venerable eeePC netbook. In some ways, it exceeds it, because the netbook never could do any fancy stuff. This one still can, just fine. If you check my old 10-year-mark reviews of various laptops from my past, like the T42, the abovementioned netbook, some other laptops, and alike, you will definitely notice the shrinking of the performance gap. Once, yes, you needed new hardware frequently to get all the benefits. Since 2011 or so, definitely 2014 or so, the hardware revolution has plateaued. The only thing driving the market is software bloat really. Nothing a wee SSD can't fix, and if you slap the right operating system onto it, like Kubuntu 24.04 for instance, you should enjoy yourself. I know I did. Well, 'tis almost like getting a new machine, a second gift. See you around.