GNU/Linux Leftovers
Ubuntu Handbook ☛ How to Hide ‘snap’ sub-folder in Home folder in Ubuntu 24.04
Ubuntu has some snap apps (e.g., Firefox and AppCenter) pre-installed in recent releases. The snap apps auto-generate a snap folder in user’s home directory to store app data, caches, and configuration files. If you don’t want to see that folder, you may hide it or move to another location.
near-death experience
The internal disk of my primary computer had a near-death experience the other day.
(Recent heat waves have been hard to endure, both for people and for hardware devices.)
That got it kicked out of the RAID1 with a larger external disk, and the system kept on running, as expected.
Today I set out to bring them back in sync, so I rebooted the machine.
That's generally much easier than figuring out exactly how to get the failed devices unused and removed, and then bringing them back up manually.
The attempt to use the BIOS's copy of GRUB to cryptomount both devices failed. There's something about that GRUB that's unable to bring up the external disk's encrypted volume. Maybe I'm missing some module or something. To be investigated once the crisis is addressed.
The last attempt succeeded in loading the kernel and initrd from the flash drive, and so I'm typing this blog post while the devices resync. Phew!
Distributions and Operating Systems
Debian Family
Darren Goossens ☛ Debian ports on AlphaServer 1200: success!!!!!!!!!!!
Install the unofficial Debian Alpha (as in DEC Alpha, not as in ‘alpha software’) onto my DEC AlphaServer 1200. It now has three 135GB SCSI drives and one 300GB one, and one SCSI CDROM and one IDE (the other SCSI CD died). It can boot from SCSI and floppy but not IDE, since they drivers for those are hosted by the OS, not the SRM console.
Canonical/Ubuntu Family
Ubuntu ☛ Certification as a strategy: How Ubuntu & SystemReady boost hardware competitiveness
The hardware ecosystem is evolving rapidly, presenting a continuous challenge in ensuring that new hardware is market-ready and meets software and security standards. Forward-looking hardware vendors recognise that certification and compliance to standards ensure product reliability, compatibility, and accelerated time to market