Here's What Ubuntu Linux Looked Like 10 Years Ago
Quoting: Here's What Ubuntu Linux Looked Like 10 Years Ago —
Ubuntu 25.04 is almost upon us, which makes this a good time to look back at just how much Canonical's popular Linux desktop has changed over the past ten years. The answer? Both more and less than you might expect.
Back much further than ten years ago, Ubuntu was the first Linux distro I ever installed. In those days, Ubuntu had to be small enough to fit onto a CD. I remember when Ubuntu 15.04's 1.2GB ISO felt positively massive. Now, it seems almost quaint.
Today, Ubuntu is almost a 6GB download. Thankfully, most of us are no longer trying to download this over dial-up. If we were, the download might finish just in time for another retrospective ten years from now!