today's howtos
Harish Pillay ☛ GNOME Tip – changing the size of the mouse pointer
So, one of the things I’ve wanted to have when doing presentations in person or online is for the mouse pointer of my GNOME desktop to be large enough that it is obvious.
TecAdmin ☛ List top 10 CPU using processes in Linux
With the help of the following command, you can easily find top 10 processes that are consuming high CPU resources on any GNU/Linux system. ps is the default command available in most of GNU/Linux operating system that provide details about processes in system. ps -eo pid,cmd,%mem,%cpu --sort=-%cpu | head Output will print top 10 processes [...]
It's FOSS ☛ Deleting GNU/Linux Entry from Boot Menu from backdoored Windows After Removing Linux [Ed: It's FOSS seems to be insinuating Windows is FOSS]
Removed the GNU/Linux partition from dual boot set up but GNU/Linux entry is still there in the UEFI boot settings? Here's how to get rid of it if you really want it.