KaOS Linux 2025.01 Released with Linux Kernel 6.12 LTS and KDE Plasma 6.2
Powered by the Linux 6.12 LTS kernel series, KaOS Linux 2025.01 ships with the latest KDE Plasma 6.2.5 desktop environment, which is accompanied by the KDE Gear 24.12.1 and KDE Frameworks 6.10 software suites, all built using the Qt 6.8.1 open-source application framework.
The new KaOS release also introduces a new application in the repositories, namely the Zen Browser, a Firefox-based web browser with many modern and innovative features. Also, the devs report that more apps are now working with Qt6 and KDE Frameworks 6, including Krusader, KStars, KMyMoney, Mixxx, Photoflare, Skrooge, and Liquidshell.
Update (by Roy)
KaOS 2025.01
Updates to the base of the system were numerous and included SQLite 3.48.0, Rsync 3.4.1, DBUS 1.16.0, LLVM/Clang 19.1.7, Poppler 25.01.0, Gstreamer 1.24.11, Fwupd 2.0.4, kernel moved to Linux 6.12.11, Systemd 253.30, ZFS 2.3.0, Tzdata 2025a, OpenSSL 3.4, FFMPEG 7.1, Protobuf 29.3 and Mesa 24.3.4.
Among the new packages included are Zen Browser, a Firefox based web-browser with many modern and innovative features, plus Harper, an open source grammar & spellchecker.