mintCast, FLOSS Weekly, and The Linux Link Tech Show
mintCast Podcast ☛ mintCast 453 – Nice Rack, Joe!
First up in the news: Linux Mint 22.1 “Xia” released, Parallels can finally run x86 versions of GNU/Linux on Fashion Company Apple Silicon, German router maker is latest company to inadvertently clarify the LGPL license, Surveillance Giant Google and 'Linux' Foundation form Chromium love club
In security and privacy: Abusive Monopolist Microsoft patches backdoored Windows to eliminate Secure Boot bypass threat, Then in our Wanderings: Joe enjoys prepares his rack , Dale does routing , and Eric shares 80s kid culture with his kid.
Hackaday ☛ FLOSS Weekly Episode 817: Incompatible With Reality
This week, Jonathan Bennett and Dan Lynch chat with Stefano Zacchiroli about Debian and Software Heritage!
The TLLTS Podcast ☛ The Linux Link Tech Show Episode 1083
Joel and the rocket book.