PostgreSQL Picks: Logical replication, workshop, PostgreSQL JDBC 42.7.5
EnterpriseDB Corporation ☛ Logical replication in Postgres: Basics
Postgres first implemented physical replication where it shipped bytes on disk from one database A to another database B. Database B would write those bytes right back to disk. But this physical replication limits you to replicating between Postgres instances running the same Postgres version and on the same CPU architecture (and likely other operating system settings like page size).
Logical replication replicates specific messages (e.g. insert, update, delete, truncate) over the network in a mostly stable format. This allows us to replicate data between databases running different Postgres versions. You can also filter rows or columns when replicating. Swanky!
The drawback is that, since logical replication is newer than physical replication, it is still maturing. You cannot yet, for example, get DDL changes over logical replication.
In any case, I have never set up basic logical replication in Postgres before so that's what I'm going to do in this post. :)
Robert Haas ☛ Robert Haas: PostgreSQL Hacking Workshop - February 2025
Please considering joining us next month (February 2025) for a discussion of Heikki Linnakangas's talk on The Wire Protocol, from PGCONF.EU 2024. For those not familiar with the concept, this hacking workshop is basically a virtual meetup: you watch the talk, and then you sign up to participate in one of two or three Zoom meetings where we discuss the talk. Usually, we're able to get the original author of the talk to join us; thanks to Heikki for agreeing to join us this month.
PostgreSQL ☛ PostgreSQL JDBC 42.7.5 Released
Small maintenance release with a few fixes See Changes for details.
The PGJDBC team would like to thank all of those who contributed to the release. We really can't do it without you!