today's leftovers
Linuxiac ☛ Linuxiac Weekly Wrap-Up: Week 2 (Jan 6 – 12, 2025)
Catch up on the latest GNU/Linux news: Plasma 6.3 Beta, Budgie Desktop in 2025, COSMIC Desktop Alpha 5, Debian 12.9, Tails 6.11, Raspberry Pi 5 16GB, and more.
Jupiter Broadcasting ☛ Cache My OS | LINUX Unplugged 597
We're taking on some of the toughest critiques of the GNU/Linux desktop, then taking a look at CachyOS and what makes it feel like a million bucks.
OMG Ubuntu ☛ VLC Developers Working on AI-Powered Real-Time Subtitles
Real-time Hey Hi (AI) subtitling is in the works for VLC, the phenomenally popular open-source media player. VideoLAN, the non-profit in charge of VLC development, demoed automatic subtitle generation in VLC during CES 2025 —where not using Hey Hi (AI) made you stand out this year— and shared a clip of the feature in action at their CES booth on X last week. No cloud service or internet connection is needed for VLC to auto-generate subtitles with AI.
Distributions and Operating Systems
Debian Family
DEV Community ☛ Divine Attah-Ohiemi: My 30-Day Outreachy Experience with the Debian Community
Hey everyone! It’s Divine Attah-Ohiemi here, and I’m excited to share what I’ve been up to in my internship with the Debian community. It’s been a month since I began this journey, and if you’re thinking about applying for Outreachy, let me give you a glimpse into my project and the amazing people I get to work with.
Canonical/Ubuntu Family
Ubuntu Studio ☛ Ubuntu Studio: Support and Help Updates
We have always strived to give our users the best support options. After asking the community via a thread on Ubuntu Discourse and being given positive feedback, we have decided to move our primary support channel from Ask Ubuntu to Ubuntu Discourse.
Ask Ubuntu, which was run outside of the Ubuntu Governance, was a great idea in its time, but as time has gone on, it has become difficult for the moderators to moderate as its host, StackExchange, has made questionable decisions, including shutting-down OpenSSO, which effectively disabled many accounts which were exclusively linked to Launchpad without recovery. StackExchange has been uncooperative with re-enabling this link to Launchpad, leaving many users, who had higher privileges due to their participation, having to start over.
Open Hardware/Modding
It's FOSS ☛ ArmSoM AIM7: A Promising Upcoming Rockchip Device for Hey Hi (AI) Development
Harness the power of RK3588 Rockchip processor for Hey Hi (AI) development with ArmSoM AIM7 Hey Hi (AI) kit.
Hackaday ☛ Fraens’ New Loom And The Limits Of 3D Printing
[Fraens] has been re-making industrial machines in fantastic 3D-printable versions for a few years now, and we’ve loved watching his creations get progressively more intricate. But with this nearly completely 3D-printable needle loom, he’s pushing right up against the edge of the possible.
Hackaday ☛ Second CNC Machine Is Twice As Nice
[Cody Lammer] built a sweet CNC router. But as always, when you build a “thing”, you inevitably figure out how to build a better “thing” in the process, so here we are with Cody’s CNC machine v2.0. And it looks like CNC v1.0 was no slouch, so there’s no shortage of custom milled aluminum here.
CNX Software ☛ Seeed Studio XIAO Plus series adds more GPIOs through castellated holes
In response to community feedback for more I/O options, Seeed Studio has recently launched the Seeed Studio XIAO Plus series with 23 castellated mounting pins (20 GPIOs, 3 power pins) and improved back solder points, improving compatibility with carrier boards for complex projects. The new series includes the XIAO ESP32S3 Plus, XIAO nRF52840 Plus, and XIAO nRF52840 SensePlus which are direct upgrades of the XIAO ESP32S3, XIAO nRF52840 BLE, and XIAO nRF52840 Sense boards.
More on VLC:
VLC Might Offer AI-Generated Real-Time Subtitles
VLC media player amazes at CES2025 with real-time subtitle generation, enabling multilingual captions automatically.
Remember when voice recognition (turning video or audio into subtitles) was called voice recognition ... before corrupt media started hyping it up as HEY HI while pretending this is some new innovation? It's not HEY HI, VLC just riding the hype wave... a feature NOT for a media player to BUNDLE.