Turning 20.5 Tomorrow
TOMORROW this site turns 20.5, so we'll be going out to celebrate. A few days ago marked exactly 3 months since we filed lawsuits to protect this site from bullies [1, 2], who continue to bully not only us but various other people - almost always people who promote Software Freedom. The pattern is uncanny.
"Yet here we are as writers," a fellow writer recently told me. "Exposing the truth for our community and being attacked by those who would rather not have the truth come out."
We now have actual people from Microsoft sending us threats. And the people who send the threats committed actual crimes and got arrested.
"The fact that the same lawyer from Garrett is attacking," the writer told me, is rather revealing as it "looks like a very bad attempt at censorship."
It's so bad that it's already backfiring.
Anyway, we have much to celebrate tomorrow. The pens or writers of Free software cannot be stopped. The attacks on them merely reaffirm the importance of the work they do. █