VLC playback delay on seek (jump to another timestamp)
Quoting: VLC playback delay on seek (jump to another timestamp) —
This sure isn't the year of the Linux desktop. And I guess, given the casual, disdainful approach to usability and the philosophy of finished products, it never will be. As long as software is developed as a higher goal unto itself, with no regard to the core functionality, i.e., giving users what they need rather than being a fun thing for the people who write code, the end user will always be at risk. Whimsicality, zero accountability. That's software. Engineers build bridges, something goes wrong, they go to jail. Programmers write code, something goes wrong, no one cares. We could blame VLC, but the issue does not happen in Windows.
But do not let my great disappointment spoil your day. After all, I'm writing this article on the back of a whole mountain of issues and problems in the Linux desktop stack, and all of them happening in just the last few months. This is a silly, unnecessary problem. It's also something I've never seen before, and has to be a pointless bug. Well, there you go. A pointless problem, and a pointful workaround. Take care.