Linux in Devices
Electronic Design ☛ Low-Cost Wireless SoCs Run Linux
There is a Linux port for Xtensa cores used in ESP32 modules, but only specific versions of the ESP32-S3 can run Linux. However, it's able to be flashed with Linux using Sudoflash. Linux on ESP32 is currently a novel process and in an early stage of development, so it's suggested only for advanced makers. In this video, Clemens Mayer of MayerMakes talks about the modules he has available.
New Electronics ☛ Wind River introduces Enterprise Linux offering for AI and critical workloads
Wind River has introduced eLxr Pro, its commercial enterprise Linux offering to address the needs of cloud-to-edge deployments.
Expanding the company’s Linux portfolio, eLxr Pro looks to deliver long-term commercial support and services to the recently launched open source eLxr project distribution.
Microchip Eases GUI Development for MPLAB Harmony and Linux
Microchip's New Solution Simplifies Building GUIs for MPLAB® HarmonyTo support embedded developers with their designs, Microchip Technology has announced Microchip Graphics Suite (MGS), an easy-to-learn, comprehensive solution that simplifies the process of incorporating GUIs, animations and images into a touchscreen display. MGS is designed to easily integrate with Microchip’s 32-bit microcontrollers (MCUs) and microprocessors (MPUs) and supports multiple development platforms, including MPLAB® Harmony v3 and Linux® environments. This comprehensive solution to build a GUI interface aims to help designers improve reusability across projects and simplify design complexities.