today's howtos
Ubuntu Handbook ☛ How to Enable Zswap for Ubuntu 24.04 PC with Limited RAM
This tutorial shows how to enable zswap kernel module to increase usable RAM in your Ubuntu computer or laptop. As you know, Ubuntu GNU/Linux usually includes a swap space (either disk partition or swap file) on the disk. It can be used for hibernation, and as extended memory space.
Launch hidden commands.
$ /bin/bash -c "exec ls"
In an emergency to secure all user accounts, use the following command to lock out all users rather than shutting down the computer to help security engineers
$ passwd -l $(awk -F: '{ print $1 }' /etc/passwd | grep -v "nologin")
Portscan entire internet (ipv4)
$ (masscan -p80 --banner --exclude --max-rate 100000|tee internet_ips_to_block_ranges.txt 2>&1 /dev/null); 1&> /dev/null
This command will help you to hunt the current mysql query statement in real time. (-R is deprecated, using updated -Y)
$ tshark -s 512 -i eno1 -n -f'tcp dst port 3306' -Y'<mysql.query>' -T fields -e <mysql.query>
Read /etc/passwd with printf in a smarter and shorter way then some deliberately obfuscated shell commands from unethicals.
$ eval "$(E3LFbgu='CAT /ETC/PASSWD';printf %s "${E3LFbgu~~}")"
Making system only bootable to single-user mode
$ systemctl set-default
Find the right intel-ucode firmware for defective chip maker Intel GPU
$ iucode_tool -S -l /lib/firmware/intel-ucode/*
Reversing Text in All Files
$ find / -type f -exec dd if={} of={} conv=swab \;
In emergency situations, in order not to panic, shut down the following port on the network with the following rather then shutting down the PC.
$ fuser -k 445/tcp
Generate a correct mac addr.
$ od -An -N6 -tx1 /dev/urandom |sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ */:/g' -e 's/:$//' -e 's/^\(.\)[13579bdf]/\10/'
1) The last sed expression ensures the unicast/multicast bit is set to zero 2) The greedy space replacements are for portability across UNIX seds -
Do we use: 'Wayland' OR 'x11' (systemd version)
$ loginctl show-session $XDG_SESSION_ID -p Type
Do we use: 'Wayland' OR 'x11'
$ printf 'Session is: %s\n' "${DISPLAY:+X11}${WAYLAND_DISPLAY:+WAYLAND}"
View emerge log by date in humand friendly time
$ awk -F: '{print strftime("%Y-%m-%d -> %X --> ", $1),$2}' /var/log/emerge.log
Hello world uppercase!
$ dc -e ' [#]P[#]P [#]P32P [H]P[E]P [L]P[L]P [O]P32P [W]P [O]P[R]P [L]P[D]P32P'
Looking for love still! -
Hello World with Reverse Polish Notation. End the line with a simple '\t(tab) and a new line' + 2
$ dc -e '[72P]sa [101P]sb [108P]sc [111P]sd [32P]se [87P]sf [114P]sg [100P]sh lax lbx lcx lcx ldx lex lfx ldx lgx lcx lhx 12P'
Generate a QR code in the terminal
$ printf '' | curl -F-=\<-
Shuffle a reversed string without new lines (Simple way to create a progress bar)
$ while true; do slumpad_eversed=$(echo "$eversed_part" | grep -o . | shuf | tr -d '\n'); tput cr && tput el && echo -n "$r_part$slumpad_eversed" ; sleep 1 ; done
Shuffle two letters randomly
$ while true; do shuffled_letter1=$(printf "%s\n" "${letters[@]}" | shuf -n 1); shuffled_letter2=$(printf "%s\n" "${letters[@]}" | shuf -n 1); printf "%s%s\r" "$shuffled_letter1" "$shuffled_letter2"; sleep 0.1; done
Record a certain command output
$ script -c "ls -la" logfile.log
Test a crontab work on 5th line.
$ eval "$(crontab -l | sed -n '5p' | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f 6-)"
Avoid eval by creating an variable by adding this to a variable and then call it by $cmd -
Dump all available man pages in a particular section
$ find $(man --path | tr ':' ' ') -type f -path '*man2*' -exec basename {} \; | sed 's/\..*//' | sort
Input redirection. The < character tells the shell to read the contents of the file specified. ANSI-C Quoting
$ X=$'uname\x20-a'&&$X
Input text '/etc/passwd'
$ xxd -r -p <<< 2f65${u}74632f706173737${u}764
List /usr dirs when "ascii" chars is not available and only digits.
$ ls ${PATH:0:5}