mesa 24.2.0
Hello everyone,
I'm happy to announce a new feature release, 24.2.0!
New extensions & features (in no particular order): - VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering_local_read on RADV - VK_EXT_legacy_vertex_attributes on lavapipe, ANV, Turnip and RADV - VK_MESA_image_alignment_control on RADV - VK_EXT_shader_replicated_composites on ANV, dozen, hasvk, lavapipe, nvk, RADV, and Turnip - VK_KHR_maintenance5 on v3dv - VK_KHR_maintenance7 on RADV - VK_EXT_depth_clamp_zero_one on v3dv - GL_ARB_depth_clamp on v3d - Defaulting to a new shader cache implementation, reducing filesystem overhead.
If you find any issues, please report them here:
The next bugfix release is due in two weeks, on August 28th.
Cheers, Eric
Mesa 24.2.0 released with a new shader cache implementation
Mesa 24.2.0 is out now bringing with it the usual advancements for open source OpenGL and Vulkan graphics drivers on Linux.
By Bobby:
Mesa 24.2 Unveils OpenGL 4.6 and Vulkan 1.3 Hey Hi (AI) Support
Mesa 24.2, an open-source OpenGL/Vulkan graphics API implementation, debuts with OpenGL 4.6 and Vulkan 1.3 API support. Stability awaits in v24.2.1.