Open Data, Web, and Standards
Open Data
Adafruit ☛ Learn about NYC Open Data
The Open Data Ambassadors (ODA) program recruits, trains, and certifies digitally literate cohorts of volunteer ambassadors to teach about NYC Open Data across the diverse communities of New York City.
By working with libraries and community organizations, Open Data Ambassadors bridges data literacy gaps and promote neighborhood and issue-based dialogue. This program is a collaboration between NYC Open Data and BetaNYC.
Web Browsers/Web Servers
Martin Heinz ☛ 10 Examples Why cURL is an Awesome CLI Tool
Whether you're developer, DevOps engineer, SysAdmin, QA or in any other technical role, you're surely familiar with cURL - the command line tool and library for transferring data with URLs (as described in docs).
Most of the time however, we all really only use curl for simple tasks, such downloading a file or checking if website is accessible, yet there's some much more curl can do!
And in this article we will go through exactly those cool examples and tricks to showcase why curl is awesome and underappreciated tool...
Jim Nielsen ☛ Just Build Websites
Here’s something you might not know about me: I like to play golf. As such, I follow a couple of golf-related brands on social control media as a guilty pleasure.
APNIC ☛ Openness in Internet standards: Necessary, but insufficient
Guest Post: How open are 'open standards' really? [...]
The phrase ‘open standards’ is widely used but not well understood, to the point that the Open Source Initiative calls it “a feel-good term with no actual technical meaning.”
As we’ll see, that’s an overstatement, but there is still significant confusion about and differences in what ‘open standard’ means in practice. Let’s take a look at what openness in standards is, with a focus on whether and how it helps to legitimize the design and maintenance of the Internet.