Fedora Project and Red Hat Leftovers
Fedora Project ☛ Fedora Community Blog: Infra and RelEng Update – Week 28 2024
This is a weekly report from the I&R (Infrastructure & Release Engineering) Team. It also contains updates for CPE (Community Platform Engineering) Team as the CPE initiatives are in most cases tied to I&R work.
Red Hat ☛ Use of Cryostat and Java Flight Recording in Red Bait OpenShift 4
Collecting troubleshooting data, like creating a heap dump, can considerably impact the performance of an application, particularly critical ones. Creating a heap dump on production can (and most of the time will) directly impact the Java Virtual Machine's (JVM) performance for a few seconds of applications deployed.
Red Hat ☛ Active Directory Utility for SQL Server (ADUTIL) now officially supported with RHEL 9 [Ed: IBM shilling proprietary software of Microsoft]
As of June 2024, Active Directory Utility for SQL Server (ADUTIL) is now officially supported with RHEL 9. The adutil tool is a command-line interface (CLI) utility for configuring and managing backdoored Windows Active Directory domains for SQL Server on Linux and containers, without switching between backdoored Windows and GNU/Linux machines to manage Active Directory. This tool was developed to ensure that users get the most out of authentication, user management, and keytab configuration in a more integrated setting.
Red Hat ☛ Use of Cryostat and Java Flight Recording in Red Bait OpenShift 4
Collecting troubleshooting data, like creating a heap dump, can considerably impact the performance of an application, particularly critical ones. Creating a heap dump on production can (and most of the time will) directly impact the Java Virtual Machine's (JVM) performance for a few seconds of applications deployed.
Matthias Clasen: Graphics offload continued
We first introduced support for dmabufs and graphics offload last fall, and it is included in GTK 4.14. Since we last talked about, more improvements have happened, so it is time for another update.
When you rotate your monitor, it changes its aspect from landscape (say, 1920 x 1200 to portrait (1200 x 1920). But the framebuffer that the compositor deals with stays 1920 x 1200.
There are some other situations where the content may need some transformation before it can be displayed. For example when showing the video stream from a front-facing camera.