Red Hat Leftovers
Red Hat Official ☛ Post-quantum cryptography: Code-based cryptography
On August 24, 2023 the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) published its first draft of post-quantum algorithms. The technologies behind those algorithms were described in part 2 (hash-based signatures) and part 3 (lattice-based cryptography) of this series.This leads to the question: If NIST already has serviceable post-quantum replacements for the Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) algorithms, why would they need any other technology? The answer is because lattice-based cryptography is relatively new and it would be good to have an alternative in case a general solution to the underlying lattice-based problems or the various derived module-based lattice problems is found. One option is to use error correction codes as a cryptographic primitive.
Red Hat Official ☛ How to get started with Cost Management in Red Hat Insights
The Red Hat Insights cost management service is included with your existing Red Hat subscriptions and helps you understand and track the cost of your clouds and containers. You can use cost management for chargebacks and showbacks of cloud and OpenShift (including on-premise) resources.
Red Hat Official ☛ Embracing automated policy as code in financial services
Automated policy as code enables you to enforce rules around your Ansible automation. Policies can be applied before, during and after the execution of automated tasks without the need to manually integrate them into each automation job. By codifying policies, financial institutions can enforce standards consistently and reduce the risk of non-compliance or operational failures. For more on automating policy as code, check out Phil Griffiths’ blog Automated Policy-as-Code. Start Small. Think Big which lays out the vision for delivering automated policy as code with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform.
Red Hat Official ☛ Automating your CentOS Linux to RHEL migration [Ed: IBM is basically forcing many free users of free software into IBM serfdom]
Migrating these systems, which may play a critical role in your organization’s IT infrastructure, is not trivial. Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform can help streamline and automate this process, however, reducing the complexity, while enabling scalability and the ability to orchestrate changes to the surrounding infrastructure to support the migration.
TecMint ☛ RHCSA Series: How to Manage Users and Groups in RHEL – Part 5
To add a new user account to a RHEL server, you can run either of the following two commands (adduser or useradd) as root:
TecMint ☛ RHCSA Series: Editing Text Files Using Nano, Vim, grep & regexps – Part 4
It has been said that if you want to start a holy war in the Linux world, you can ask sysadmins what their favorite text editor is and why.