BSD Leftovers
Undeadly ☛ DHCPv6-PD - First steps by florian@
Now before he committed the code, Florian Obser (florian@) wrote a blog post on the process of developing the new program in a piece called DHCPv6-PD - First steps.
Florian Obser ☛ DHCPv6-PD - First steps
DHCPv6 is not wildly deployed outside of enterprise networks. DHCP for Prefix Delegation (DHCPv6-PD) on the other hand is the standard to get IPv6 prefixes into home networks. RFC 8415 has this:
"It is appropriate for situations in which the delegating router (1) does not have knowledge about the topology of the networks to which the requesting router is attached and (2) does not require other information aside from the identity of the requesting router to choose a prefix for delegation. This mechanism is appropriate for use by an ISP to delegate a prefix to a subscriber, where the delegated prefix would possibly be subnetted and assigned to the links within the subscriber's network."
MWL ☛ 47: Agent of Desertification
Here’s a snippet of the next Letters column for the FreeBSD Journal. We’ve all seen the propaganda on configuration management. Deploy dedicated-purpose, highly tuned servers with a single command! Adjust computation clouds with a simple playbook! Seamlessly and transparently migrate from server to server! Containers!