Free and Open Source Software
Mouse actions - execute commands from mouse events - LinuxLinks
Mouse actions allows users to execute some commands from mouse events such as clicks / wheel on the side / corners of the screen, or drawing shapes.
It’s functionality combines that offered by Compiz edge commands and the now abandoned Easystroke application.
This is free and open source software.
myriacat - spectrum analyzer with VLF SDR - LinuxLinks
myriacat is a spectrum analyzer with VLF SDR. It’s designed to be fast, intuitive to use, portable, and lightweight.
It supports up to 4K full screen, fluid realtime display.
This is not open source software.
Cavalier - audio visualizer based on Cava - LinuxLinks
Cavalier is an audio visualizer based on Cava with a customizable interface.
The Cava options include configurable framerate, number of bars, sensitivity, channels, monstercat smoothing, noise reduction, and reverse order.
This is free and open source software.