4 tools Steam Deck and Linux gamers need to install
Quoting: 4 tools Steam Deck and Linux gamers need to install —
Steam's Proton compatibility layer has to be the most important development for the Linux gaming community since WINE, which Proton itself is based on. Proton is built into Steam, but the Steam desktop client doesn't have a great way to communicate game compatibility with Proton. ProtonDB takes care of that using a sort of crowdsourced model. Linux gamers can submit detailed reports about a game's Linux compatibility to the ProtonDB site, and, based on those reports, the game gets a compatibility medal — all the way from “Platinum” for nigh-perfect compatibility to “Borked” for completely non-functional.
ProtonDB for Steam is also available as a browser extension for Firefox and Chromium-based browsers, giving you a ProtonDB rating and link to the game's ProtonDB page right in the Steam store front. The ProtonDB medal system is far from perfect, but it goes a long way towards simplifying the maze that can be Proton compatibility.