Free and Open Source Software
CoreKeyboard - simple virtual keyboard with word suggestions - LinuxLinks
CoreKeyboard is an X11 based virtual keyboard.
Despite being built using Qt, CoreKeyboard works on all desktop environments, platforms and all text entry widgets. It also supports word suggestions.
This project uses X11 functions from from kvkbd.
This is free and open source software.
Speakup - screen review package - LinuxLinks
Speakup allows you to navigate around the screen using the typical screen review functions such as say word, say line, announce cursor position, which console your currently on, and much, much more. It also allows users to load in configuration parameters for controlling various aspects of the synthesizer you are using, as well as speakup itself.
Speakup is part of the Linux kernel itself with the Speakup modules present in the Linux kernel for many years. It’s a speech synthesizer that interfaces with numerous synthesizer hardware and from user-space software can interface with /dev/synth for submitting data to the synthesizer.
The project is under active development with new features being added to the current Linux kernel series. For example the 6.9 kernel is adding the /dev/synthu device for the speakup modules.
This is free and open source software.
GNOME On Screen Keyboard (GOK) - LinuxLinks
The GNOME desktop environment includes an on-screen keyboard.
It’s activated by opening the Activities overview and then start typing Settings. Click the Settings icon that appears, and choose Accessibility in the sidebar. Move the slider adjacent to Screen Keyboard to the on position as shown in the image below.
Odilia - Rust-based screen reader - LinuxLinks
Odilia is a CLI screen reader for the Linux desktop. It’s fast and easy to build from the source code.
The software is in an early stage of development and is not production ready. You need to have speech-dispatcher installed and running before you can start the program.
This is free and open source software.