Tux Machines Party 7 Weeks From Now (Our 20th Anniversary), Celebrating Software Freedom
THE countdown clock is ticking and we're starting to have a clearer view/picture of how to celebrate the birthday of the site. Anniversaries like "20" aren't that common. We really ought to be doing something special.
The other day (Friday) we visited the place where the 15th Anniversary Party took place, but this time we'll need to choose a different place. My wife will decide as she's the main person running this site (for 20 years Tux Machines was run by women).
Maybe some time soon we'll print some "Tux Machines" party shirt/s, maybe not. We still have some time left to decide.
Last year this site came under attack from some crackpot who had long attacked my wife and I (even phoned our employer), but this mostly resulted in a waste of time, nothing else.
Tux Machines focuses not only on GNU/Linux but also BSDs and programming. It prioritises Free software and tries not to promote/endorse anything proprietary. There's widespread recognition these days that proprietary stuff cannot be trusted. That's perhaps the most important message because "Linux" with some DRM on top of it (or spyware like Chrome/ChromeOS) doesn't go far enough. █