Software: Ubuntu, >GNOME Podcasts 7.0, Anthias, PmWiki, and More
OMG Ubuntu ☛ Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Supports HEIF/HEIC Images OOTB
Among the many new features in Ubuntu 24.04 LTS is out-of-the-box support for HEIF/HEIC images. Anyone using Ubuntu 24.04 won’t have to manually install any extra packages to be able to see HEIF/HEIC thumbnails previews in the Nautilus file manager or open HEIF/HEIC files in the default Eye of GNOME image viewer app. While HEIF (which stands for High Efficiency Image File Format) isn’t a super common web image format it is widely used on smartphones.
OMG! Linux ☛ GNOME Podcasts 7.0 Released with iTunes & fyyd Search
If you love podcasts and you love the look of GTK4/libadwaita apps then you’ll be pleased to hear a new version of the GNOME Podcasts app has been released.
CubicleNate ☛ Anthias | Open Source Digital Sign Solution
I have previously written about digital sign solutions, not here, and I wanted to create an updated how-to on Anthias, which was previously known as Screenly OSE.
Ruben Schade ☛ PmWiki is excellent
This is just a short post to remind everyone that PmWiki is excellent, and you should consider it. I’ve been running a local install of it for my own note-taking uses for two decades, and I recently flipped another public MediaWiki install to it… ours!
I maintain, and have maintained, a bunch of CMSs and wiki systems for various people, including DokuWiki, Moin, and TWiki, along with MediaWiki and its various offshoots. PmWiki is by far the easiest, both to use and operate. It’s tiny, it’s written in bog standard PHP you can deliver with php-fpm, and its markup is easy to grok.
Medevel ☛ 28 Free and Open-source Manga and Comic Book Reader Apps
Comic and Manga books are unique forms of storytelling that blend visual art with written language. They are often serialized narratives, with new chapters or issues released on a regular basis.
Medevel ☛ Kubero: A Powerful Heroku Alternative for Your Development Needs
Kubero - Deploy Your Apps Easily with This Open-source Heroku Alternative
Medevel ☛ Save Web Pages for Later Reading with This Amazing App: Wallbag
If you often find yourself overwhelmed with the amount of content available on the internet and struggle to keep up, take a look at Wallabag. This exceptional web application provides a solution to your content overload by allowing you to save web pages for reading at a later time.
This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License.
Medevel ☛ What Website and Webpage Changes Easily with this amazing App: ChangeDetection
Imagine never missing an update on your favorite websites, monitoring price changes, or even tracking PDF file modifications.
Medevel ☛ Looking for a Free Recipe Collection Manager? Here are the Best Open-source Ones
Nowadays, a growing number of people, including home cooks, professional chefs, hoteliers, and culinary teams, are adopting recipe managers to streamline their cooking processes.