today's howtos
How to Perform DNS Spoofing Using Ettercap: A Step-by-Step Tutorial
DNS spoofing, or DNS cache poisoning, corrupts the DNS resolution process.
Pete Zaitcev: Trailing whitespace in vim
Problem:When copying from tmux in gnome-terminal, the text is full of whitespace. How do I delete it in gvim?Solution:/ \+$Obviously.This is an area where tmux is a big regression from screen. Too bad.
APNIC ☛ Open source IP blacklist checker tool
Guest Post: AbuseBox can check and monitor IP address blacklists and send delist requests.
IP Command-Line Cheat Sheet
This cheat sheet is designed to briefly reference some of the most commonly used IP commands.
Barry Kauler ☛ More /etc/init.d replacements for runit
QV, like EasyOS, and before that Quirky and the various pups that I maintained, uses the simple busybox init, with start/stop scripts in /etc/init.d. Except, for QV and EasyOS, there is service management with enhanced pup_event.
Void GNU/Linux uses runit to manage services. QV is capable of launching the runit daemon and using runit; however, I would prefer to stay with /etc/init.d, as it is very simple and works flawlwessly. Besides, it is what I know.