Debian: Whonix Introduced, Carter to Leave as DPL, and FreeOffice (Not Free Software) on Debian 12
Cyble Inc ☛ What Is Whonix: How To Use, Benefits, And Much More!
Have you ever wondered if someone is watching your every move online? From targeted ads that seem to know your deepest desires to the unsettling feeling that your search history is being monitored, online privacy is a growing concern in today’s digital age.
A staggering 81% of [Internet] users globally express worry about their online privacy. However, Whonix offers a unique solution for those seeking maximum anonymity and security on the [Internet]. But what is Whonix? In this article, we’ll talk about Whonix, its uses, what it does, its benefits, and much more!
Debian ☛ Bits from Debian: Bits from the DPL
Dear Debianites
This morning I decided to just start writing Bits from DPL and send whatever I have by 18:00 local time. Here it is, barely proof read, along with all it's warts and grammar mistakes! It's slightly long and doesn't contain any critical information, so if you're not in the mood, don't feel compelled to read it!
== Get ready for a new DPL! ==
Soon, the voting period will start to elect our next DPL, and my time as DPL will come to an end. Reading the questions posted to the new candidates on [debian-vote], it takes quite a bit of restraint to not answer all of them myself, I think I can see how that aspect contributed to me being reeled in to running for DPL! In total I've done so 5 times (the first time I ran, Sam was elected!).
Good luck to both [Andreas] and [Sruthi], our current DPL candidates! I've already started working on preparing handover, and there's multiple request from teams that have came in recently that will have to wait for the new term, so I hope they're both ready to hit the ground running!
H2S Media ☛ Steps for Installing FreeOffice on Debian 12 Linux
Linux users often look for the LibreOffice office suite alternatives and FreeOffice by SoftMaker can be the one to check out.