KDE Plasma 6 Experience: A Practical Review
I waited a few weeks to get most of the initial bugs are sorted out to do this review. So, I installed the KDE Neon User edition featuring KDE Plasma 6 in an actual physical hardware (not virtual machine) to test its features and performances.
This review is not about the Plasma 6 features, which you probably already be aware of. Instead, it is a review from the usage and practicality standpoint for an average user.
Planet KDE:
Plasma 6 and me
I'm bit late to the train of Plasma 6 related posts... But anyway. I will go through some things I did.
For me working on Plasma 6 was pretty fun, I learned a lot of new things and fixed bunch of bugs and crashes.
The most resourceful ones can find my merge requests, but I am too lazy to link them all.