today's howtos
The New Stack ☛ Learn the Go Programming Language: Start Here
The Go programming language (aka Golang) is a versatile programming language that is used for building low-level infrastructure, web applications
University of Toronto ☛ The problem of using basic Prometheus to monitor DNS query results
Suppose that you want to make sure that your DNS servers are working correctly, for both your own zones and for outside DNS names that are important to you. If you have your own zones you may also care that outside people can properly resolve them, perhaps both within the organization and genuine outsiders using public DNS servers. The traditional answer to this is the Blackbox exporter, which can send the DNS queries of your choice to the DNS servers of your choice and validate the result. Well, more or less.
Jarrod Blundy ☛ Shortcuts Tips: Creating Fallbacks
When I build shortcuts, I like to think through all the usual ways that someone might want to use it. And then I try to think through the unusual ways someone might use it. To account for different preferences, many of my shortcuts now ask setup questions upon installation that propagate variables in my Setup Stuff™ area at the top.
But what should happen when a shortcut doesn’t get set up quite right on that first go? Or what if it’s designed to run actions on some bit of data passed into the shortcut, but nothing is passed to it?
My latest update to the ‘Publish to’ shortcut addresses some of these anomalies, and I want to share the techniques I use to mitigate them.
TecMint ☛ How to Assign Multiple IPs to a Single Network Interface in Linux
The main advantage of using this IP aliasing is that you don’t need to have a physical adapter attached to each IP. Instead, you can create multiple or many virtual interfaces (aliases) for a single physical card.
TecMint ☛ The Power of Linux “History Command” in Bash Shell
In this post, we will see how we can use the history command effectively to extract the commands that were executed by users in the Bash shell. This may be useful for audit purposes or to find out which command was executed at a specific date and time.
OSTechNix ☛ How To Create Desktop Menu Entries For AppImages With desktop-file-install Command In Linux