New TNS Series on GNU/Linux
The New Stack ☛ TNS Linux SB00.1: Intro to the Linux Skill Blocks Repository
New Linux users must chart a path through a dense forest of online resources that may contain incomplete or contradictory information. They must deal with distribution differences and graphical user interface variations while trying to learn the command line and keep their Linux system usable.
The New Stack ☛ TNS Linux SB00.2: Companion Lab for Linux Skill Blocks Repository
Your first choice when constructing your lab is whether to use a physical computer or use virtualization software. Virtualization has been all the rage for many years, but you might have an older computer available that will work well. Linux is much more forgiving of older hardware than other operating systems, so check the back of your closet for a retired laptop.
Desktop virtualization solutions are applications that run on a standard computer and allocate resources to a virtual machine that, in turn, runs the Linux operating system. Some virtualization software is free or included with your OS, while others have a fee.
The New Stack ☛ TNS Linux SB00.3 Understand the Linux Command Line
Modern operating systems, like Linux, macOS, and Windows, include efficient, aesthetically pleasing user interfaces, so it may seem odd to encourage administrators to return to the “old fashioned” command line. In reality, command-line environments are critical to administrators on any platform, especially Linux.