FSF-EEE, Productivity, Coding, and More
FSFE ☛ 2024-02-26 [Older] "I Love Free Software Day" 2024: Forging the future with Free Software [Ed: FSF-EEE (attacking the FSF for money) hiding behind "hearts"]
Productivity Software
Bozhidar Batsov ☛ M-x Reloaded: The Second Golden Age of Emacs
Yesterday I wrote that I think Emacs is currently experiencing its (second) Golden Age. Today I’ll expand on this and I’ll offer my perspective on the reasons and factors that lead to it.
Elias Mårtenson ☛ Array languages vs. the curse of the spreadsheet
As the author of an array programming language based on the ideas of APL, I see the popularity of the spreadsheet as both a problem (because it's so error-prone) and an opportunity (because while the fans of imperative languages like Python are probably too set in their ways to consider an alternative model of computation, users of spreadsheets are already thinking in terms of matrices of values, and some of those users may be more open to the idea of performing the same computation in a more reliable way).
Before discussing how to leverage the power of spreadsheets with a proper array based programming language, there is a need to discuss how spreadsheets are used today, and some of the problems with them.
Idiomdrottning ☛ cfgmagit
But since apps don’t believe that my entire home directory is a git repository, that includes magit and I sometimes wanna use magit to restore files or partially stage hunks or whatever. Things that are too time-consuming to do by hand.
The Register UK ☛ It's that time again when tech cannot handle the date
In New Zealand, which has a head start on most of the world, it was payment systems at fuel pumps that have just staggered back to their feet after a nationwide outage lasting more than ten hours.
Nico Cartron ☛ Moving away from Z-Wave and using only Zigbee
As I reported in this previous article, I simplified my Home Automation setup recently.
I wanted to do it for a while, as having 3 different protocols/types of devices to maintain was annoying.
Undeadly ☛ IPv6 for ppp(4) enabled in -current.
In this commit, Denis Fondras (denis@) added code to allow IPv6 over PPP. The message reads, [...]