GNOME Reflection and Wayland
Chuck Carroll ☛ On Terminal-Based Programs | Chuck Carroll
I recently made a post that that after a decade hiatus I've switched back to the GNOME desktop. In it I made the the comment that "it's just not optimal to do everything in a terminal". Based on some nice feedback, I should have made the caveate that it's not optimal for me, and this comment primarily stemmed from frustrations with a particular program. However it got me thinking about how much it really is more optimal (personally) to use a terminal to accomplish certain computing tasks.
Graphics Stack
Ruben Schade ☛ Resolution scaling discussion on Phoronix
Phoronix posted an article on the upcoming KDE Plasma 6 yesterday, and the comments were nothing if not predictable.
We start with this observation by hv_139:
Just one example: One year ago they released support for fractional scaling of wayland and it got reverted one day after the release again, because it broke wayland. Turned out that nobody ever tested it. But for a GNOME user it might be enough, because GNOME hides its fractional scaling controls and GTK doesn’t support wayland fractional scaling yet.