Tux Machines

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Budgie 10.9.2 Desktop Arrives with Bug Fixes as Wayland Porting Continues

While the Budgie devs are hard at work porting the desktop environment to the modern Wayland display protocol, slated for the Budgie 10.10 release, they pushed a small point release for Budgie 10.9 users to address some annoyances and other issues reported by users.

Darktable 4.8 Open-Source RAW Image Editor Released, Here’s What’s New

Highlights of Darktable 4.8 include a new color equalizer module to control hue, lightness, and saturation based on colors, two new modules to support image composition, namely Enlarge Canvas and Overlay, as well as a new a toggle for switching the darkroom mode, which forces the pixel-pipe processing to use the whole image data rather than the displayed area.


Robotic Platform Built on RISC-V Milk-V Meles with ROS2 Support

At the 2024 XUANTIE RISC-V Ecosystem Conference, a collaborative effort between Yahboom, milK-V, and ALIBABA DAMO Academy led to the unveiling of the RISC-V MicroROS educational robot. This robot, based on the Milk-V Meles SBC, is now available for purchase and provides an advanced learning platform for robotics enthusiasts and students.

(Updated) SeeedStudio Previews R1000 Powered by Raspberry Pi CM4


Neo6502 A Modern Open Source Retro Computer with W65C02 and RP2040

This dual-processor setup enables the Neo6502 to surpass traditional 6502-based systems in speed and efficiency by removing memory transfer bottlenecks between the processor and graphics. The device includes 2MB of Flash, 64k RAM, and 32k Graphics RAM, supporting complex computations and enhanced graphics.

CY8CKIT-062S2-AI Kit: Ready-to-Deploy ML Models and Comprehensive Onboard Sensors

The CY8CKIT-062S2-AI PSoC 6 AI Evaluation Kit from Infineon Technologies provides a compact and powerful platform for developers interested in edge AI applications. This kit is compatible with Imagimob Studio, facilitating the entire machine learning process from initial model training to final deployment within a unified setup.


Latest From Perl Programming Hub

posted by Roy Schestowitz on Feb 16, 2024

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Darktable 4.8 Open-Source RAW Image Editor Released, Here’s What’s New
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Budgie 10.9.2 Desktop Arrives with Bug Fixes as Wayland Porting Continues
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Mozilla and Tor Browser
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openSUSE Leap 15.6 Officially Released, Here’s What’s New
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Android Leftovers
New Android Feature Could Save Battery by Turning Off Your Screen When Not in Use
The Linux Mint 22 Beta is almost here as ISO testing gets underway
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A No-Nonsense Open-Source Diary App for Android
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half a dozen howtos
Free Software Leftovers
FOSS links collection
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today's howtos
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Security Leftovers
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Audiocasts/Shows and Videos (Invidious)
episodes and shows
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Ubuntu and OpenSUSE Leftovers
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Programming Leftovers
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Today in Techrights
Some of the latest articles
Looking for the artwork for Trixie the next Debian release
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Releases of MyGNUHealth and GNU Automake 1.16.92
two GNU releases
Blaming "Linux" for Problems of VMware (Prolific GPL Violator, Infringer of the Linux Licence)
FUD tactics
Microsoft Driving People Away (to GNU/Linux)
2 stories
]Free, Libre, and Open Source Software Leftovers
FOSS picks for this afternoon
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Programming Leftovers
Programming related news and views
Godot Event, Game of Trees Hub, and New Steam Games with Native GNU/Linux Clients
misc. stories
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This week in KDE: Plasma 6.1 cleanups
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Today's HowTos and Programming Leftovers
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Tux Machines Parties (20 Years) [original]
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Today in Techrights
Some of the latest articles
GCC 12.4 Released
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only 3 leftovers for now
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Canonical/Ubuntu Latest
a couple of announcements
Programming Leftovers
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Security Lefrovers
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Malicious Proprietary Software
Microsoft and Russian AV
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today's howtos
second batch for this afternoon
CentOS, Fedora, and Red Hat
IBM related stuff
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Stable kernels: Linux 6.9.6, Linux 6.6.35, Linux 6.1.95, and Linux 5.10.220
I'm announcing the release of the 6.9.6 kernel
Android Leftovers
How to delete Google Chrome history on Android
Free, Libre, and Open Source Software Leftovers
FOSS leftovers, inc. older picks
Linux, BIOS/UEFI, and Graphics
Some kernel level stuff or similar
today's leftovers
BSD, Debian, and moree
Openwashing Leftovers
Openwashing links
Open Hardware/Modding Leftovers
Open Hardware mostly
Programming Leftovers
And some events
Security Leftovers
Security links for today
GStreamer 1.24.5 Promises Improved Multimedia Handling
GStreamer 1.24.5 rolls out with improved AV1 support
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many howtos for Friday
Red Hat and IBM Leftovers
Red Hat links
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Free and Open Source Software, howtos and Installations
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Today in Techrights
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Recent GNU/Linux Videos (Invidious)
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Kernel Articles From LWN
outside the paywall now
Ladybird browser spreads its wings
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