Open Hardware: Raspberry Pi, CERBERUS 2100, and More
The DIY Life ☛ Is It Worth Water Cooling A Raspberry Pi 5?
Today we’re going to be taking a look at a new water-cooling kit that has been designed for a Raspberry Pi 5. We’ll see how its custom water block and performance stack up against the DIY solution that I built for my Pi 4 a few years ago.
Olimex ☛ CERBERUS2100 the new educational multi-CPU, BASIC-programmable microcomputer from TheByteAttic is ready for ordering on the web!
CERBERUS 2100 is an Open Source Hardware and Software educational multi-processor 8-bit computer, featuring both Z80 and 6502 CPUs, plus an AVR processor as I/O controller. Built with CPLDs, CERBERUS 2100™ is fully programmable even with respect to its hardware, at the level of individual gates and flip-flops. It runs BASIC interpreters for both CPUs, but can also be used in a ‘bare metal’ mode through its built-in BIOS. [...]
Raspberry Pi ☛ Our T Level resources to support vocational education in England
Access classroom resources to support teachers in delivering the Digital Production, Design and Development T Level qualification.