today's howtos
Jeff Geerling ☛ Highly-condensed time-lapse footage with Frigate
Once I've exported the file, it's available to download from the server where Frigate's running (or a network storage location if you have Frigate configured to record to a network share). I download the file, then run the following ffmpeg command to re-compress it and speed it up a bit more (4x faster) than Frigate's own export functionality does:
ffmpeg -i exported-timelapse.mp4 -vf "scale=1920:1080,setpts=0.25*PTS" scaled.mp4
This also downsamples the footage to 1080p (from the original 4K source).
Ben Jojo ☛ Appreciation of automated IX Quarantine LAN testing
Quarantine LANs on [Internet] exchange points are very important, as almost all exchanges are layer 2 broadcast domains with all member routers on the same subnet, there are several things that any member can accidentally do to greatly impact other members ability to exchange traffic.
Ethernet itself is not a loop tolerant protocol and exchanges avoid the use of spanning tree, therefore an ethernet switch loop can be extremely detrimental to an IX. Since the resulting broadcast packet flood will a Denial of Service for member routers.
BSDly ☛ Goodness, Enumerated by Robots. Or, Handling Those Who Do Not Play Well With Greylisting
SMTP email is not going away any time soon. If you run a mail service, when and to whom you present the code signifying a temporary local problem code is well worth your attention.
The New Leaf Journal ☛ Organizing RSS and ATOM Feed Sources
I use The New Leaf Journal to advocate for using feed readers to follow [Internet] writing and media using RSS, ATOM, and JSON feeds (see our feeds). While the big tech social media platforms such as Facebook (feeds are a good alternative to getting news from Facebook) and X (and X) have an incentive to keep readers on their platforms, feeds provide a way for individuals to follow what they are interested in without a middle-algo. I shifted to using feeds in conjunction with a read-it-later set-up for my own reading after a hiatus following the Google News era. One challenge I had concerned how to organize my feed collection in my feed reader.
TecMint ☛ 5 Commands to Manage File Types and System Time in Linux
Therefore, to memorize various commands in Linux, it is essential to use the terminal regularly. This practice allows users to understand how commands function with different options and arguments, facilitating a more effective learning experience.
ID Root ☛ How To Install MailSpring on Rocky GNU/Linux 9
In this tutorial, we will show you how to install MailSpring on Rocky GNU/Linux 9. In the modern digital workspace, email remains a critical communication tool. For GNU/Linux users, especially those utilizing Rocky GNU/Linux 9, choosing the right email client can significantly enhance productivity and email management.
ID Root ☛ How To Install Nvidia Drivers on Debian 12
In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Nvidia Drivers on Debian 12. Nvidia graphics cards are widely used for various applications, including gaming, 3D rendering, and machine learning. Installing the correct drivers for your Nvidia card on Debian 12 is crucial for optimal performance and stability.
ID Root ☛ How To Install ClamAV on Fedora 39
In this tutorial, we will show you how to install ClamAV on Fedora 39. ClamAV is an open-source antivirus toolkit, designed especially for email scanning on mail gateways. It provides a number of utilities including a flexible and scalable multi-threaded daemon, a command line scanner, and an advanced tool for automatic database updates.
ID Root ☛ How to Clear Git Cache
Git, a cornerstone in the world of software development, is a distributed version control system that allows developers to track and manage changes to their codebase. One of its integral features is the Git cache, a mechanism that stores information about the repository to expedite Git operations.
How to Install Build Tools on AlmaLinux or RockyLinux 8/9
AlmaLinux or Rocky GNU/Linux are both open-source GNU/Linux distros derived from RHEL code and compatible with packages available with RPM extension.
Linux Capable ☛ Commands to Clear Git Cache
This guide will demonstrate the commands to clear Git cache, enhancing your project management. Maintaining a clean Git repository is pivotal for developers. As your project evolves, so does the accumulation of unnecessary files in the Git cache.