today's howtos
University of Toronto ☛ Histogram data is most useful when they also provide true totals
The standard assumption when dealing with histograms is that the values in each bucket are randomly distributed through the range of the bucket. If they truly are, then you can do things like get a good estimate of the average value by just taking the midpoint of each bucket, and so people will say that you don't really need the true total. However, this is an assumption and it's not necessarily correct, especially if the size of the buckets is large (as it can be at the upper end of a 'powers of two' logarithmic bucket size scheme, which is pretty common because it's convenient to generate).
BSDly ☛ A Simpler Life: Trapping Spambots Based on Target Domain Only
If you want to hurt spammers, you can get away with maintaining a list of domains you want to receive mail for in your spamd.alloweddomains.
Andrew Domain ☛ A_brief_story_of_hier
What I found out is that Fedora was not the first distro to implement this choice, but was one of the first ones to start this 10+ years old discussion about reforming the filesystem hierarchy under Linux, which now is reaching a more advanced state.
For several reasons and necessities, the structure of the filesystems that host the binaries and libraries had changed on all the major GNU/Linux distributions, after long and painful internal work, to provide a much cleaner structure and easier administration, with the possible side effect of leaving behind the needs of some users, that will probably migrate towards other systems.
Jeff Sheets ☛ 💻 Emoji URLs and 11ty Webmentions
For whatever random reason I wrote a post last night that included an emoji in the URL (🍻 specifically). Some thoughts: [...]
Daniel Janus ☛ Lossy CSS compression for fun and loss (or profit)
I wrote cssfact, a lossy CSS compressor. That is, a program that takes some CSS and outputs back some other CSS that hopefully retains some (most) of the information in the input, but contains fewer rules than the original. Exactly how many rules it produces is configurable, and the loss depends on that number.
Bob Monsour ☛ Declassifying my site header
I've been trying to spend less time on social media, primarily Mastodon. There were too many things that I wanted to learn, but I too often found myself scrolling into oblivion.
I wanted to deep my web development knowledge in certain areas; specifically, I wanted to learn more about and become more proficient with CSS.
To that end, I decided to start the process by revisiting this site. I started by examining the html and then the CSS.
Vitux ☛ How to Install Nagios on Debian
Nagios is free and open-source software for monitoring systems, networks, and infrastructures. It is a powerful monitoring system that allows you to detect and fix problems in your IT infrastructure.
HowTo Forge ☛ What is Swappiness?
Most Linux users that have installed a distribution before, must have noticed the existence of the “swap space” during the partitioning phase (it is often found as /sda5). This is a dedicated space in your hard drive that is usually set to at least twice the capacity of your RAM, and it constitutes the total virtual memory of your system. The swap space can also be provided by a so-called swap-file, which you can use in case you can not create a dedicated swap partition. In general, swap partitions are preferred over swap files speed wise though. From time to time, the Linux kernel utilizes this swap space by copying chunks from your RAM to the swap, allowing active processes that require more memory than it is physically available to run.
Linux Buzz ☛ How to Install Java on Debian 12
In this blog post, we will explain how to install Java on Debian 12 step-by-step.
Sportskeeda ☛ How to Install Linux on Chromebooks?
Make Use Of ☛ Forget Chrome: Here's How to Install Firefox on a Chromebook
You can install Firefox on a Chromebook, but it isn't easy to access the proper desktop version of Firefox. Here's everything you need to know about the two versions of Firefox for Chromebook and how you can install them.
Linux Made Simple ☛ 2024-01-25 [Older] How to install Claws Mail on a Chromebook
Linux Made Simple ☛ 2024-01-25 [Older] How to install Inkscape on Feren OS
Linux Made Simple ☛ 2024-01-24 [Older] How to install FireAlpaca on a Chromebook
Linux Made Simple ☛ 2024-01-24 [Older] How to install Intellij IDEA Community on Zorin OS 17
Linux Made Simple ☛ 2024-01-23 [Older] How to install AnimeEffects on a Chromebook
Linux Made Simple ☛ 2024-01-23 [Older] How to install Pinta on Feren OS
Linux Made Simple ☛ 2024-01-22 [Older] How to install the latest version of LibreOffice on Feren OS
Linux Made Simple ☛ 2024-01-22 [Older] How to install TS!UNDERSWAP 2.0 on a Chromebook
Linux Made Simple ☛ 2024-01-21 [Older] How to install Blender on Feren OS
Linux Made Simple ☛ 2024-01-21 [Older] How to install Reaper on a Chromebook
Linux Made Simple ☛ 2024-01-19 [Older] How to install Darktable on a Chromebook
Linux Made Simple ☛ 2024-01-18 [Older] How to install FreeCAD on Feren OS
Linux Made Simple ☛ 2024-01-18 [Older] How to install Geary on a Chromebook