Programming Leftovers
Buttondown ☛ Unusual basis types in programming languages
These types are always supported with dedicated syntax, as opposed to being built out of the language abstractions. Some domains have additional basis types: systems languages have pointers, dynamic languages have key-value mappings, FP languages have first-class functions, etc. Outside of these, languages rarely add special syntax for other types, because syntax is precious and you can build everything out of structs anyway.
Ruby 3.2.3 Released
Ruby 3.2.3 has been released.
This release includes many bug-fixes. See the GitHub releases for further details.
This release also includes the update of uri.gem to 0.12.2 which contains the security fix. Please check the topics below for details.
9 Best Microsoft's proprietary prison GitHub Alternatives for Your Projects
However, there are several reasons why someone might be looking for alternatives to Microsoft's proprietary prison GitHub.
15 Best Git GUI Clients for Linux, Mac and backdoored Windows in 2024
Git is a free, open-source distributed version control system designed to manage any size project, from minimal to extremely large.
15 Best Blockchain Programming Languages For Blockchain Programmers
If you’re a tech-oriented person like me, chances are you’ve wondered at least once about all those latest fusses regarding blockchain and cryptocurrencies. So, what is this blockchain, and why would you be tempted to learn more about it? As the name suggests, Blockchain is a chain of blocks connected sequentially using complex cryptographic logic.
Qt ☛ [Proprietary] Qt for Android Automotive 6.5.4 is released
The latest patch release for Android Automotive 6.5.4 is just released. This release is based on Qt LTS 6.5.4 with 355 bug fixes and other improvements.
Rlang ☛ Using .drop_na in Fast Classification and Regression
In the newest release of tidyAML there has been an addition of a new parameter to the functions fast_classification() and fast_regression(). The parameter is .drop_na and it is a logical value that defaults to TRUE.
Rlang ☛ Six not-so-basic base R functions
R is known for its versatility and extensive collection of packages. As of the publishing of this post, there are over 23 thousand packages on R-universe. But what if I told you that you could do some pretty amazing things without loading any packages at all?
Rlang ☛ Six degrees of Hadley Wickham: The CRAN co-authorship network
Once upon a time I was a dedicated network scientist. Currently though they are more peripheral in my work and I just like to toy around with interesting datasets. One of those is the CRAN co-authorship network.
Rust Weekly Updates ☛ This Week In Rust: This Week in Rust 530
Hello and welcome to another issue of This Week in Rust!