today's leftovers
Debian Family
David H ☛ Minimal Debian Install on a Headless pi
If you just want an OS on your pi that is basic (no GUI, etc) for running pi-hole or whatever, then here is a method I use that works for me.
I don’t want to drag out a monitor and keyboard to set up a pi, either - I just want to put in the SD card, and put the pi where it will be used. This method does not require access to a keyboard and a monitor for the pi.
Canonical/Ubuntu Family
Ubuntu ☛ Managing software in complex network environments: the Snap Store Proxy
As enterprises grapple with the evolving landscape of security threats, the need to safeguard internal networks from the broader internet is increasingly important. In environments with restricted internet access, it can be difficult to manage software updates in an easy, reliable way. When managing devices in the field, change management and compliance policies can introduce even more complexity to the update process. You can solve these challenges using snaps and the Snap Store Proxy.
Nicholas Tietz-Sokolsky ☛ RSA is deceptively simple (and fun)
While reading Real-World Cryptography, I came across the "million message attack". This is an attack that Daniel Bleichenbacher demonstrated in 1998, which effectively broke RSA with a particular encoding function called PKCS #1. It was only mentioned briefly, so I dug in and decided to try to understand the attack, eventually to implement it.
Most crypto libraries do not ship with a vulnerable implementation of this, for good reason. It's been broken! And if I implement the full attack against a real implementation, it would also come with using realistic key size.
Instead, I decided to implement RSA myself so that I could implement a weak encoding scheme so I could implement the Bleichenbacher attack! So far, I have an implementation of RSA and of PKCS (the vulnerable one). The basics of RSA took an hour to implement, then what felt like days to debug. And now it (seemingly) works! The attack will follow soon, with any luck.
TecMint ☛ 5 Best Skype Alternatives for Linux Desktop
However, not everyone fancies Skype, and some users would prefer other applications to Skype. In this guide, we feature some of the widely used Skype alternatives for Linux desktops.