Open Hardware/Modding: Arduino and More
Andrew Hutchings ☛ BBC Micro: Restoration part 1
In a previous post, I showed the two BBC Micro computers I had acquired. I decided to work on the black one first, this is the start of the restoration.
Tom's Hardware ☛ Best Raspberry Pi Accessories of 2024
The recent Raspberry Pi 5 release will undoubtedly see a slew of new accessories and add-ons for our favorite Single Board Computer. Right now we have a plethora of cases and coolers for the Raspberry Pi 5 and our reviews will be out in the coming weeks.
Arduino ☛ This automated machine shuffles and deals cards so you don’t have to
To shuffle, the user splits the deck and loads the two halves. The machine then pushes the cards together in semi-random order into the pre-deal area. That probably isn’t enough for a true shuffle, so it might be worth running the deck through a few times. From the pre-deal area, the machine spits out a selected number of cards, pivots on a stepper motor, and the repeats until all hands have been dealt.
SparkFun Electronics ☛ Our Staff Picks for Best of 2023
We took a vote across the company, asking everyone about their favorites from the year, from different types of products to the content on our YouTube.
And the winners are...