Fat Finger Shell, Copr, and OBS
Russell Coker ☛ Russell Coker: Fat Finger Shell
I’ve been trying out the Fat Finger Shell which is a terminal emulator for GNU/Linux on touch screen devices where the keyboard is overlayed with the terminal output. This means that instead of having a tiny keyboard and a tiny terminal output you have the full screen for both. There is a YouTube video showing how the Fat Finger Shell works [1].
Copr: CPT - look back at 2023
Let me sum up what the Community Packaging Team (CPT) did during 2023: [...]
Canned Responses and Moderator Decisions
Many reports can cover the same kind of violation of the rules, and handling it can be redundant. Moderators can customize their own set of canned responses in order to reuse them where they need it. Content Moderation is part of the beta program.