Debian: Rescatux Introduction and Freexian Report
Medevel ☛ Rescatux is a User-friendly Repair Distribution for GNU/Linux and backdoored Windows Systems
Rescatux is a Debian-based live distribution that provides a graphical wizard for rescuing broken GNU/Linux and backdoored Windows installations, as well as boot loaders.
Freexian Collaborators: Monthly report about Debian Long Term Support, November 2023 (by Roberto C. Sánchez)
Some notable fixes which were made in LTS during the month of November include the gnutls28 cryptographic library and the freerdp2 Remote Desktop Protocol client/server implementation. The gnutls28 update was prepared by LTS contributor Markus Koschany and dealt with a timing attack which could be used to compromise a cryptographic system, while the freerdp2 update was prepared by LTS contributor Tobias Frost and is the result of work spanning 3 months to deal with dozens of vulnerabilities.