Open Hardware/Modding: Raspberry Pi and Arduino
Raspberry Pi ☛ Mariposa: a giant Raspberry Pi-controlled LED butterfly
LED sculptor Christopher Schardt created Mariposa, a 26 × 14 foot butterfly-shaped sculpture featuring 39,000 LEDs that display patterns choreographed to music. Everything is driven by nine Raspberry Pi-based controllers.
Arduino ☛ This RC tank has Möbius strip tracks
This project doesn’t seem to have any real purpose beyond curiosity. Bruton wanted to see how Möbius strip tracks would work and so he constructed this tank to find out. The treads and most of the rest of the tank were 3D-printed, with the tread links getting a special design that lets them pivot relative to each other. They pivot just enough that the each track was able to make a half-twist over the course of 8 or 9 links. That half-twist is what makes the tracks similar to a Möbiusstrip, because the “outer” surface continues endlessly and transitions to being the “inner” surface and then repeats forever.
Arduino ☛ Announcing a better Arduino Cloud, together!
Arduino Cloud is the platform that Internet of Things (IoT) and do-it-yourself (DIY) enthusiasts use to develop, monitor, and control their creations. It is an increasingly popular platform that was born to democratize the access to IoT, to make it simple and accessible for everyone, pretty much in a similar fashion as Arduino has done with hardware and DIY. Our journey mirrors our core values: open-source, accessibility, and community-driven innovation.