today's leftovers
Ubuntu Pit ☛ Tilix Terminal Emulator 1.9.6: Now Following Your System’s Color Scheme
Tilix is a powerful tiling terminal emulator that offers a wide range of features to its users. At its core, Tilix uses the VTE GTK+ 3 widget, allowing users to layout terminals in any fashion they like by splitting them horizontally or vertically.
GNU World Order (Audio Show) ☛ GNU World Order 538
**libieee1284** , **libimobiledevice** , **libindicator** , **libiodbc** ,
**libjpeg-turbo** , **libkarma** , **libmad** , **libmcrypt** , **libmng** ,
**libmpc** , **libmtp** from the **l** software series of Slackware.
shasum -a256=6328730d8561a93541ffad5d507535fd9c2c45237d62c9a27e8839e50d9bfa53
Rohan Kumar ☛ Proposal: an HTML element for spoilers
I wish it were possible to look up any medical issue without being exposed to the most graphic photographs ever taken by man or beast.
While browsing the WICG discussion forms, I stumbled upon a proposal for a standardized
element in HTML5. I made two comments, and stopped myself before writing a third; this called for a blog post. I think HTML should have a spoiler element.