today's howtos
OSTechNix ☛ How To Upgrade To Fedora 39 From Fedora 38
Linuxiac ☛ Installing Vanilla GNOME on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Explained
Need a clean GNOME setup on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS? Here's how to simplify your desktop, switching effortlessly to a vanilla GNOME experience.
FOSSLinux ☛ Fixing the ‘Git Not Recognized’ error: A step-by-step guide
Encountering the 'Git not recognized' error can halt your development process. This guide will help you fix this issue quickly and get back to coding in no time.
Linux Buzz ☛ How to Install Docker Desktop on Debian 12
In this post, we will show you how to install Docker Desktop on Debian 12. Docker is an open-source robust platform for developing, packaging, and deploying applications inside small, portable, and isolated containers [...]
Jon Chiappetta: Experiencing Connection Time-Out Troubles With Multi-Process NGINX
So I was trying to perform some basic redirect-proxying with load-balancing by having multiple nginx processes running for a given connection protocol and I was experiencing connection timeout troubles from time to time. Even when I tried playing with the different combinations of the proxy and connect timeout values (short-short, short-long, long-short, long-long, etc) it would still happen over time. I decided to switch up my solution here by having multiple single process nginx instances running on a different local host IP address instead to avoid port conflicts.